Art of intuition

4 min readJul 29, 2020


Sudden deep dive into digital communication has brought new aspects into how we elaborate our listening and presentation skills. Once we can’t sense physical presence of people we communicate with, we must improve skills like generous listening and speaking. Because we can’t face each other in real life during e-meetings or webinars and see only a video image of our discussion partners on screen, conscious communication skills begin evolving. Avi Sheinman introduced his interesting view on generous listening as part of HYPE sports tech virtual accelerator and inspired me to think on this topic further beyond.

Observing ourselves and our companions in communication has seized a new edge that is here to teach us a lesson. Not only does this make us focus on how we talk and how we listen, but also hopefully awakens our learning nerves for intuitive thinking. This strong time of change has forced us to re-think ourselves. Across industries, every human being has faced the new reality where, minds wander over to each other via multiple digital channels. In one spring, most of our digital globe went online and gave us a chance to “travel” anywhere in a bit. This shift leads a wave of evolution affecting our personal capabilities as well as everyday lives of the societies, companies and organisations as global community connected via rapidly developing network.

“Connecting people” as a phrase has taken a huge leap in practice, from the days when Nokia´s art of innovation at the time, made people wonder free around the world with brand new nexus via mobile phones in their pockets. This nexus today is elevated by fascinating elements of audio, video, 360 images, VR, AI or ML, not to mention all new technology hatching in neuroscience and health technology. We must grow as humans along the digital evolution to maintain the humanity in development. We sure can create sustainable future, if only we remember in our crush for technology, that it is like fire; good servant yet a bad master.

Once developing a tech startup, from day one, we have chosen to harness that fire and taken a silent oath, to do whatever it takes to make that collaborative spark burst into blazing flames with good impact for people. In rapidly changing game field, we truly need to embrace the change as we go. As individuals we are limited to our existence so acquiring and creating new skills become vital. When whole team is committed to the common cause, startup can start evolving as a common entity to begin it´s journey with a mission. Here is few vital ingredients to consider for individual and communal development:

  • Curious, entrepreneurial mindset helps to pursue unknown
  • Creative problem solving in daily basis enables constant innovation
  • Intuitive thinking opens up the world of tangible dreams
  • Open mind enables to sense the unseen and build the vision
  • Love for the cause with heartful grit keeps up the spark
  • Conscious communication empowers to share ideas and engage people into the vision

When you combine these virtues to four (4) quadrants of innovation amongst a team, a full cycle of productive co-creation can happen. First people generate ideas without limiting thinking into what is doable or possible. This brainstorming is followed by phase where people incubate ideas and co-create tangible visions over them. After a clear definition of ideas, it’s turn for people who can plan practical steps on how to cease those dreams. After having plan of action in place, it’s time to make this idea, turned into a co-creative dream with an executable plan, happen by people who implement the vision.

Photo by Guillaume Archambault on Unsplash

Voilá! All ingredients for building happy, successful startups are right here. Strong, shared idea of a devoted team with all hues of skills, conscious communication, brave hearts and open, intuitive minds indeed are the core essence that will take you over the unknown towards your dream vision. Then take all this, embrace with love, soak it in rain of impact and have positive thinking echoing through every tune of your dream. In everything you do, make sure you have that Indian grandfather´s mindset from a story of two wolves he told to his grandson. At the core, the story is a metaphor; “There are two wolves fighting.” Granfather says. “Other wolf is good and other wolf is bad. The question is, which one wins?”

With love for co-creation,

Kirsi & Team Rehaboo

PS. In case you wonder which wolf goes home with the victory, try feeding only to either one and see what happens..

